1st Veterans Security LLC is excited to announce that we have officially submitted our company application to the Alabama Security Regulatory Board!

1st Veterans Security LLC is a Tier 1, full service, private security company which protects its clients with experienced security teams comprised of veterans from special operations, conventional units, and advanced law enforcement. Our security team of special operations veterans works together with clients to find effective security solutions designed specifically for their businesses and lifestyle.
Our teams specialize in a myriad of security services which include executive protection, corporate security, personal protection, estate security, critical site protection, defense consulting, discrete armed courier, and much more.
We aim to hire, train, and deploy as many honorable veterans as possible.
Future Expansion into Alabama:
Alabama is a great state for business, tourism, and vacation. 1st Veterans Security LLC is excited to offer our professional security services to the citizens and businesses of Alabama after we are officially licensed. Look for an update announcement on our website once we are operational!
Security Services:
Standard Security Services
Uniformed armed security guards
Armed courier (e.g. Secure transportation)
Physical security
Fixed and roving patrols
Mobile security
Tower guards
Internal roving patrols
Quick reaction forces
Random antiterrorism measures
Access control and entry control points
Vehicle inspection
X-ray machine and magnetometer screening
Close circuit TV (CCTV) monitoring
Visitor processing
Personnel and vehicle screening/badging
Security screening and detection
Corporate Security Services
Industrial and critical infrastructure security
School security officers
Advanced Security Services
Contact Us to Learn More!
P: 337-344-9933
