"Body guard" is an antiquated label from the past used by cinema and books to describe what defense industry experts would classify today as a "personal protection officer (PPO)" or "executive protection (EP) specialist." 1st Veterans Security LLC does NOT use the term body guard for specific reasons described in this article and hopes to redefine the Texas executive protection space such that the term "body guard" is never used again.
"Body Guard" - What is it?
A body guard is a type of security guard who protects a client or group of people from various threats. However, body guards today are usually the burly, overweight, bullies who walk in front of celebrities and push paparazzi and regular citizens out of the way. Outside of brute force, a body guard does not have many resources to identify, mitigate, and interface with a threat or risk to the client. The body guard will provide a false sense of protection and will usually expose the client to additional liability and risk by pushing and shoving than a personal protection officer would. This is why 1st Veterans Security LLC does NOT employ body guards in our Houston, Dallas, Austin, or San Antonio, Texas offices for executive protection.
"Personal Protection Officer (PPO)" - What is it?
In Texas, a personal protection officer (PPO) is technically defined by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)and Texas Occupational Code Sec. 1702.202. The statute states that, "an individual acts as a personal protection officer if the individual, while carrying a firearm, provides to another individual personal protection from bodily harm." Texas DPS also requires a Level-4 security license (e.g. PPO license) be secured by the PPO prior to engaging in any protection activities. In brief, this Level-4 PPO security license requires some of the following.
21 years of age
Possess a valid Texas Level-2 un-commissioned security license (8 hours of training)
Possess a valid Texas Level-3 commissioned security license (45 hours of training)
Possess valid certificate of completion of Level-4 Personal Protection Officer Training from a qualified Texas PPO school (15 hours of training)
Proof of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Executive Protection (EP) Operations at 1st Veterans Security LLC in Texas
Now that we have clearly identified the differences between an un-licensed "body guard" and a licensed PPO in Texas, lets discuss the executive protection (EP) space in more detail. The term executive protection operations refers to close protection operations or personal protection operations completed by a team of PPOs. EP operations are incredibly complex and involve extremely detailed standard operating procedures which may not seem important to the un-trained eye, but could have devastating results for the client if they are not followed or completed correctly. These small details are where experience and technical training really separate the Texas security companies offering personal protection services in Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio.
Is your Texas security provider only requiring the bare minimum training in executive protection or is your Texas security provider a professional, experienced, and trained group of PPOs who have a 30+ year track record of EP operations around the Globe? For reference, 1st Veterans Security LLC offers executive protection and security services throughout the State of Texas and requires much more experience, screening, and training from our PPOs than our nearest competitor.
Executive protection teams at 1st Veterans Security LLC train regularly on client moves for both domestic (e.g. Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky) and international operations. Most of our PPOs are former special warfare veterans with considerable time contracting for the U.S. Government on Federal Contracts overseas. We use the "lessons learned" overseas to keep our clients safe here at home. - Mike, Director of Operations, 20 years Naval Special Warfare
In Texas, 1st Veterans Security LLC separates itself from competitors through the high quality and advanced training required of all of our PPO operators. The majority of our EP teams are comprised of Special Warfare veterans who have spent years working for the U.S. Government on low-profile, close protection details overseas on Federal Contract. After a career in special operations, these veterans were screened through the 1st Veterans Security LLC executive protection program and then sent to the necessary schools to obtain their Level 2, 3, and 4 Texas security licenses.
Psych Evaluation
Required State Training
Review / Re-Test State Mandated Training for Security
Basic Security Officer School - 1st Veterans Security LLC
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Handgun & Qualification
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Shotgun & Qualification
Vehicle Defense
Hard Target Defense & Security Protocols
Access Control & Perimeter Defense & Security Protocols
Active Shooter Threat Identification Mitigation
Verbal De-escalation & Crisis Intervention
Ethics, Legal, & Liability
Basic First Aid
Advanced Trauma Aid / Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
*Each contract will have individual training packages created to respond to their specific security challenges.
Do I need executive protection? Do I qualify to have this level of protection?
Absolutely YES! 1st Veterans Security LLC is focused on redefining the executive protection space in Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio by employing the most professional, trained, and happy veterans in the private market. Our leadership team works with clients to make sure they remain safe, but are happy and productive at the end of the day.
If you have a budget, we will work with you to design a security program that works with the threat profile and budgetary constraints.
If you are concerned about your safety, we have the veterans and licensed PPOs who are eager to provide security services to you, your family, or your business.
If you don't know if you need executive protection, but have a security concern or just want to learn more, contact us and we will be happy to introduce ourselves.
Global Headquarters: 230 Heymann Blvd. Lafayette, Louisiana 70503
Texas Office: 5900 Balcones Drive, STE 100 Austin, Texas 78731
TX License # B24056501